Saturday, September 23, 2017

Outlining the Day: How to Make a Training Itinerary

In today's blog post, we will be discussing the benefits and how-to of creating training itinerary for your business. This will not only help new employees first learning, but also assist in any training current employees may need to do. Having this itinerary will help keep employees focused on the tasks at hand and make for employees to be more productive and have more skills that will assist in reaching the organizations goals. Let's get started!

Creating A Training Agenda

One look on Google, and you can find various templates for setting up a training itinerary. The most important part, however, is the content. Here are some specifics to definitely include in your agenda:

  • Date - Let people know when things are happening so they can plan accordingly, especially if the training takes place over a period of time.

  • Time - This goes closely with the date. Having things listed by time tells your trainee what is going to happen, when it's going to happen, and most importantly, how LONG it's going to take. Time is money, and it is important to utilize the time you have for training in an efficient way. 

  • Location - Have you ever been in school and not known where you were supposed to go? This can happen even in a professional business setting. It is a waste of time for the trainer and trainee if they must look around and ask someone for directions, rather than looking at an itinerary that can tell them exactly where to go. 

  • Topic of focus - The topic of focus not only helps the trainee keep on track with what they're learning, but knowing what to focus on helps the trainer stay focused on the topic or demonstration at hand. 

  • Person- Make sure you know who your trainer is. They are not only training you, but they can be an invaluable source of information down the road in your career. 

*Tip: Another category I did not post about was breaks. Breaks are important for both parties and should not be considered a waste of time. Taking a bathroom, or lunch break during training can actually make the trainee more efficient because they are able to focus and not be distracted with the thought of "I'm hungry," or "Where's the bathroom." 

The following website is a great resource for better understanding the different parts and how to compile them together: HR Training Program

Also, I have included an informational video found on Youtube that you may find helpful with your own design:

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